If you are in crisis or considering suicide, please click the Chat Now button to talk with one of our volunteers.
If you or someone you know is currently in danger, please dial 911 immediately.

IMALIVE is a service of the Kristin Brooks Hope Center (KBHC), a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization. Our focus is suicide intervention, prevention, awareness and education. We provide help and hope through online crisis chat, college campus and high school events and  other educational programs.

Depression is treatable. Suicide is preventable. Join and support our suicide prevention efforts today!

Donate today to save a life


sBecome a Volunteer

IMAlive runs on volunteers. The more volunteers, the more people we can reach, the more lives we will save.


sMake a donation

We have volunteers waiting in the wings who need your support and a growing network that needs your help.


sSpread the word

Tell your friends and family about IMAlive, its services and its need, a life may depend on it.

We are the IMAlive network
People caring about people
Mothers and fathers, sons and daughters; everyday people who want others to know that hope is real.

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